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[Zine] Tales of Belgisca Vol. 5 - Forest Region

The fifth issue of our zine, "Tales of Belgisca", is out!

You can read the previous articles about this zine using the following links:

The fifth volume is dedicated to the "Forest Region".

It is 20 pages long and contains:

  • an introduction and a table of contents;

  • 1 page with general information about the Forest Region;

  • 1 page about the macrales (the witches of Belgisca);

  • 2 pages on coticule whetstones and quarries;

  • 2 pages describing the city of Garbsalm, with a map;

  • 2 pages about the Ivy Knights’ Hospital and tables of related quests;

  • descriptions of 1 village (Brisure) and 3 hamlets (Trou-de-Brisure, The County, Anglaria);

  • 1 page about a plant called linaigrette;

  • 1 page telling the legend of a landmark (“Bec du Corbeau”);

  • 1 page with information on stagecoaches;

  • 2 pages with rules and tables for traveling in the forest;

  • 14 (vectorized) hand drawn black and white illustrations.

It is in A5 format and can easily be printed as a convenient booklet.

In all issues, the maps on the front cover are on the same scale, while the maps on the back cover have an optimal scale to fit the page.

You can get this zine on DriveThruRPG* You can get the four previous issues here:

The previous issues are also all included in a bundle.

The next issue of Tales of Belgisca will come out in May 2023 and will be focused on the "Caves Region".

*The links on this page are affiliated links, which means that we get a small commission if you buy any product on DriveThruRPG after clicking on it.


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