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Summary of 2023 and Bundle

Here is a summary of what we did on DriveThruRPG in 2023!

First of all, on April 1st, we celebrated the one year anniversary of Atelier Clandestin.

Shortly after, on April 4th, we released our first POD book and biggest project yet: Sandbox Generator*. By August 1st, it had become a mithral best seller on DriveThru. Many thanks to everyone who tried it out!

In May, we started releasing sci-fi themed supplements.

In July, our second POD book came out: "Bad Things Happen".

5 issues of our zine "Tales of Belgisca" also came out in 2023, but we were not able to finish the series. The 9th issue should finally be out in February.

In last year's summary, we announced that we wanted to make an "Atlas Of Belgisca": it is still in the plans and hopefully we will actually make it this year.

In 2023, our POD books became available on Amazon and on Dungeonland's webshop. Let us know if there is a ttrpg shop in your country where you'd like to see our books being sold!

Finally, we have just released a bundle allowing you to get all of our titles from 2023 at a discount. It contains 40 products (including Sandbox Generator) and costs $27.

Here are our projects for 2024:

  • Releasing a French translation of "Sandbox Generator"

  • Relasing several add-ons for "Sandbox Generator" (including free ones)

  • As mentioned above, finishing the "Tales of Belgisca" series and creating an "Atlas of Belgisca", available both in PDF and POD

  • Making a new website and webshop for books and goodies (stickers, t-shirts, and more)

  • Creating assets for Roll20

Our next POD book is almost finished and should come out in February 2024, so stay tuned!

*The links on this page are affiliated links, which means that we get a small commission if you buy any product on DriveThruRPG after clicking on it.


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