If you're wondering whether Sandbox Generator might suit your needs or playstyle, here are some reviews and examples of use that might help!
Blerdy Disposition: review on Youtube
Brassjester (Uncanny Worlds): blogpost
Chaoclyspe: review on Youtube
Friki Vetusto: tutorials series on Youtube
Heroes & Homebrew: live hex map building series on Youtube
Oblivioncubed: blogpost
Red Dice Diaries: review on Youtube
RedMageGM: flip-through and review on Youtube
System Sunday: review podcast
Talking About Games: review on Youtube
The Dungeon Dive: review on Youtube
A while ago, we also released a four part example showing how to use the Sandbox Generator. You can get the PDFs using the links below or download them for free on DriveThruRPG*.
Sandbox Generator is available for sale on the following sites:
Amazon (print)
Dungeonland (print)
DriveThruRPG (print and PDF)
You can also win a copy (print or PDF) in our Festive Giveaway on Instagram!
*The links on this page are affiliated links, which means that we get a small commission if you buy any product on DriveThruRPG after clicking on it.