We have released a new supplement: "Post Apocalyptic Vault Generator".

This product contains:
7 tables to generate information about the Vault (number, location, door, inside look, power source, etc.);
1 page explaining the structure of Vaults;
3 tables to generate the Vault dwellers (Overseer and special dwellers);
4 tables for other information (experimentation, opening date, etc.);
11 tables focused on test Vaults (types of research: medical, social and technological, and their possible consequences on Vaults inhabitants);
2 illustrations.
It is in A5 format and can easily be printed as a convenient booklet.
If you are subscribed to our newsletter on DriveThruRPG, you should have received a link to get it with a discount ($1 instead of $1.50).
You can get the Vault Generator here.

Read more about our other post apocalypse supplements in the articles below:
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