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Latest discoveries #2

Recently we bought the book Boardgame Publisher, by Eric Hannuise, who is a fellow Belgian.

Eric Hannuise is the founder of a boardgame publishing company called Flatlined Games. He has designed many successful boardgames, including Batt'l Khaos and Fangs and Swords.

This book is full of tips that can also be useful to ttrpg games developers, and shares info on the following topics: setting up a publishing business, prepress procedures, cards printing and components manufacturing, logistics, marketing, etc. It is available on DriveThruRPG*.

In our newsletter, we now have a "Publisher of the Month" section where we put the spotlight on indie creators. If you missed it, here are the publishers who were featured in the last months:

  • Slowquest

Poggin's Passage: a 5th edition compatible/OSR adventure with a map and tokens on DriveThruRPG.

  • Dados Tostados

Rites of Transmutation: a pay-what-you want OSR game on DriveThruRPG.

  • Le Paysagiste de l'Imaginaire

Kingdom That Never Ends: a bundle of maps on DriveThruRPG.

*The links on this page are affiliated links, which means that we get a small commission if you buy any product on DriveThruRPG after clicking on it.


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