The "Christmas in July" sale has just started on DriveThruRPG! Here are a few interesting deals that we found (non-affiliated links).
Core rules books:
Worlds Without Number, $14.99 instead of 19.99;
Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road, $5.24 instead of $6.99;
Dark Places & Demogrogons, $5.24 instead of $6.99;
Warlock! Traitor's Edition, $7.12 instead of $8.38;
Never Going Home, $7.50 instead of $10.
The Gardens Of Ynn, $3.75 instead of $5.00;
Hideous Daylight, $4.49 instead of $5.99;
Woodfall, $5.25 instead of $7.00;
Ten Down, $3.71 instead of $4.95.
