The "Black Friday/Cyber Monday" sale started yesterday on DriveThruRPG.
Discounts on our books:
Sandbox Generator (our best-selling product): $9.60 instead of $12;
Bad Things Happen: $3.99 instead of $4.99;
Of Men and Mushrooms: $3.99 instead of $4.99;
The Book of Thieves: $3.99 instead of $4.99;
When Sea Is Calling: $3.99 instead of $4.99;
Adventurer's Lexicon - Dungeon Edition: $2 instead of $2.50.
Great deals from other publishers:
Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road by F. Douglas Wall Publishing: $4.19 instead of $6.99;
Castles & Crusades, Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh by Troll Lord Games: $12 instead of $15;
Cities Without Number by Sine Nomine Publishing: $14.99 instead of $24.99;
Demesnes & Domination by Arcane Sword Press: $0 instead of $10;
DM Yourself by Tom Scutt: $4.17 instead of $6.95;
Errant by Kill Jester: $2 instead of $10;
Kids on Brooms by Hunters Entertainment: $7.79 instead of $12.99;
Poggin's Passage by Slowquest: $5.67 instead of $7.09.
*The links on this page are affiliated links, which means that we get a small commission if you buy any product on DriveThruRPG after clicking on it.