This time, the adventurers are stepping in the dungeon for the first time...
After traveling carefully for two hours from the tavern to the dungeon on a steep path, the characters arrive to the ruined prison (see AWU #1).
Here is what happened for this first exploration of the dungeon:
After missing a few secret doors, the adventurers end up stuck to the ground because of a sticky trap.
As they are trying to get out of this situation, moth men arrive in the corridor. They leave the adventurers alone after they give them some of their rations.
The adventurers continue exploring and end up in front of a stuck door that they force open.
In the room behind the door, they encounter another group of moth men and see a golden idol.
Both the moth men and the characters are surprised to see each other. To explain their presence, the adventurers pretend to be the food delivery service and give them rations too.
They decide to leave this part of the dungeon and to explore the opposite side of it.
They arrive to another room and force open the door. Inside, there are 5 moth men. Two of them are wearing a precious necklace and another one seems to be wielding a magic sword (which is in fact cursed).
The explorers are tempted by these treasures and set up an ambush. The two thieves are ready to make the moth men trip with a stretched rope. During this time, the two fighters fight them for a bit, then retreat to lead them in the trap.
Two moth men trip and the adventurers fight them while they are still lying on the ground. After that, things start to go wrong as one of the thieves dies and the three other adventurers get knocked out.
Since there is one casualty on each side, the moth men decide that they are even.
Also, the moth men have no interest in keeping prisoners or eating them, so they just kick them out of the dungeon.
In the next episode, the adventurers will rest for a bit, and then go back to exploring the dungeon!
Once they will have completely explored the first level, we will post a first map of the dungeon.